Sunday, November 16, 2014

Creative Response

           This is a video recording captured during the latest jazz practice that I attended with Martin Schwacha. I am fortunate enough to be able to perform with the UIW Cardinal Jazz Band alongside Schwacha as the second alto saxophone. Once a week, we as a band practice together for two hours in preparation for our group gigs. Some of the charts include arrangements from Schwacha, as well as other members of the group. Listening to these great charts is one aspect, but performing alongside this brilliant artist is truly an astounding activity. I walk out of that jazz session every week feeling newly inspired from all the creativity that I am surrounded by in that band. I absolutely love big band jazz, and it’s arrangements like this that fuel my desire to write music. This tune happens to be one of my favorite charts that we currently play as a band, and one that the audience always seems to love when we perform it at The Cove. That is why I put this video together for the sake of having a more permanent form of music as Schwacha explained in my interview with him. Creativity inspires creativity.  

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