Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sustained Resonance

 Time never stands still; this is true for all things that exist. As time slowly but continuously creeps along, change inevitably follows behind. Cultures that exist now and have existed throughout time all have evolved, changed, or been forgotten. The musical traditions of each culture have followed along in time’s ever grasping hands. But, many hold on to what is considered traditional aspects of cultures from the past. Music will forever exist as long as time creeps along.  The question arises; can music be stainable in cultures that are continuously evolving? This author’s reply is music can never be truly lost as it is a valued driving force in life.
             Censorship of music has existed throughout many cultures in history.  Many repertoires have been lost and many more musicians have perished without truly being realized in their lifetimes’. Yet, many pieces from hundreds, even thousands of years from the past still exist today. One may look at the ever-evolving culture around them and see traditional culture under threat by these changes, and this can be true from humanity’s history. But one must take into note that individuals can change the world. Tradition can be revalued as it has been in China since the Cultural Revolution, people can make the difference. The musicians that held onto traditional values helped keep that culture alive in that time of censorship.

            Each and every musician is a testament to the enduring power of music. This gift of resonance that each person is bestowed, the first music we hear in life, a heartbeat, is proof that music will be forever sustained. The sounds and instruments may change wildly as time creeps along, but those who cherish the traditions of cultures’ past will continue to hold that torch of an enduring sound. What will be sustained in music is up to you.

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